Behaviour and Thought disorder is a sort of mental anxiety that creates problems for a healthy mind. It adversely alters the ordered sequences of the entire thought process and affects a person’s perceptions, beliefs, and behaviour badly. This condition is generally diagnosed when the behaviour or speaking a person starts indicating a stressful, illogical, or problematic pattern in one or more aspects of thinking.
Behaviour and Thought disorder is completely distinct from speech disorders, which arise due to the difficulty in speaking some words or pronunciation. People, who suffer from a thought disorder, are often seen suffering from some other issues also that causes the weird and incoherent thinking order. Despite a rapid speech, these people have frequent interruptions in their train of thought and include several unrelated topics. They carry delusions and false beliefs about the presence of such people and things, which actually do not exist. The sufferer repeatedly feels himself incapable of delivering a clear story, idea or belief.
Sometimes, Thought disorders can lay the patient in serious danger and before such a situation arises, you need to take remedial actions like psychiatric hospitalisation.
The right way to overcome this problem is to have psychotherapy sessions. In certain cases, antipsychotic medications and mood stabilizers are also curing. At Sunita Panday’s psychotherapy and counselling clinic, we address the origin of behavioural and emotional issues through effective Psychotherapy. With a holistic treatment approach, we work for a permanent cure for this disorder and improve the psychical quality of a patient’s life.