Remember, there is nothing, you cannot live without. You can leave anything
that you want to.
Addiction is a state of mind in which the body needs to avoid something but the mind does not allow that. It affects both brain and behaviour simultaneously. The initial stage of addiction begins with the voluntary action of consuming drugs that sooner changes into dependence.
The withdrawal symptoms show that the search for something says the drug, starts dominating an individual’s life. Later on, the addict starts getting a strong craving for consuming higher and higher doses of that drug to get relief. This is an extremely perilous stage that needs to be controlled on an immediate basis and counselling can do that well.
Drug addiction is a chronic mental and physical illness written off as a compulsive and uncontrollable consumption of the drug in whichever possible form. It is a relapsing disease, which returns after an attempt to stop and seeking the drug becomes an obsession. Besides harmful consequences to health, it also controls the functionalities of the brain and leads to dishonorable and wicked behaviours that can be long lasting.
Self-doubting, losing control over the behaviour, hiding everything under ‘all okay’ Mask, hesitation in talking with people, or lose of cool in every situation, are some of the symptoms of drug abuse that can be seen in an addicted person.
According to a report of ‘The Indian Express’, the Ministry for Social Justice and
Empowerment stated that presently there are more than 9 crore people addicted to
drug abuse.
Recovering from drug addiction is possible but is not that easy. Apart from regular counselling sessions and therapy treatment from a certified counsellor, it takes a long time, together with lots of patience and willpower to stop using drugs completely and resume life.
Counsellor Sunita Panday is best known for the effective treatment of drug abuse and addiction. During the course of treatment, she emphasizes on forming a healthy coping mechanism for resilience building and sustainable positive change with consistent follow-ups. We follow a therapeutic route of cognitive and emotional rationalization to make the person back active in the family and at the work.
Addiction is majorly a psychology that the addicted person cannot live without his or her addiction and during the treatment sessions, we primarily treat this psychology. We analyze the history of the patient to identify the root cause of addiction. By working on the withdrawal conditions, we start the treatment by dealing with the primary symptoms. It is not advisable to shield the natural consequences thus, at Sunita Panday’s psychotherapy and counselling clinic, drug addicts are treated through meditation and detoxification therapy.
Here the patients not only get a faith-based treatment in a safe environment, but also complete assistance at all stages of the rehabilitation program. Apart from counselling and behavioural therapies, family’s takeaways play a vital role in the treatment process. Constant love and support from family are extremely favourable for the patients to achieve a successful recovery and bring their lives back to normal.